fedora13 に passenger 3.0.7 + nginx install

passenger standaloneを使ってみたかったので軽い気持ちでインストールしたら予想よりだいぶ時間食ったのでまとめ。

# gem install passenger

passenger startでpassenger単体が開始するらしい。

# passenger start
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-3.0.7/lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/operating_system.rb:98: warning: Insecure world writable dir /root/user/bin/scala-2.8.1.final in PATH, mode 040777
Nginx core 1.0.0 isn't installed

Phusion Passenger Standalone will automatically install it into:


This will only be done once. Please sit back and relax while installation is
in progress.

Checking for required software...

* GNU C++ compiler... found at /usr/bin/g++
* GNU make... found at /usr/bin/gmake
* A download tool like 'wget' or 'curl'... found at /usr/bin/wget
* Ruby development headers... found
* OpenSSL support for Ruby... not found
* RubyGems... found
* Rake... found at /usr/local/bin/rake
* rack... found
* Curl development headers with SSL support... not found
* OpenSSL development headers... not found
* Zlib development headers... found
* daemon_controller >= 0.2.5... found

Some required software is not installed.
But don't worry, this installer will tell you how to install them.

Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl-C to abort.


4747 gem search passenger
4748 gem search -r passenger
4749 gem install passenger
4750 passenger start -p 9999
4751 passenger start
4752 yum search c++
4753 yum install gcc-c++
4754 passenger start
4755 yum search devel-openssl
4756 yum search openssl | grep -in devel
4757 yum install openssl-devel
4758 passenger start
4759 yum list curl
4760 yum search krb5-devel
4761 yum search libidn-devel
4762 yum install libidn-devel krb5-devel
4763 yum list curl
4764 yum search curl | grep -in devel
4765 yum install libcurl-devel
4766 cd ~/user/src/ruby-1.9.2-p180/
4767 make distclean
4768 ./configure
4769 make
4770 make install

passenger startが起動するようになったものの、実行後、以下が出るようになるのでchmod

Cannot execute '/var/lib/passenger-standalone/3.0.7-x86-ruby1.9.2-linux-gcc4.4.5-1002/support/helper-scripts/prespawn': Permission denied (13)

chmod 755 /var/lib/passenger-standalone/3.0.7-x86-ruby1.9.2-linux-gcc4
